Monday, 31 March 2008

Birthday weekend

I am now officially 24. At first it didn't feel like Saturday was my birthday but after a quick phone call to my mom, it was a little more real. She and I have this thing where we try to talk at 3:31am which was the time I was born 24 years ago. Well with the huge time difference that was hard to do but we still chatted.

My birthday was great. I spent part of the day seeing more of the city and part of the day working on stuff for school. Not a very fun way to spend your birthday especially when it happens to finally land on a weekend. Oh well the work must get done.

Saturday night a few of us went to dinner. We had traditional Czech food. It was very good. I shared a plate with Tina and even then we didn't eat the entire plate. We had duck, pork, ham, three different types of dumplings, and white and red sauerkraut. I washed it down with a glass of Czech beer. My friends bought a small cake and they sang Happy Birthday to me. It was a great dinner.

After dinner we went to a few different clubs and others that didn't go to dinner met us out. We stayed out until the wee hours of the morning. Oh and this weekend was daylight savings this weekend and no one told us. Thank goodness that cell phones automatically change over.

Class is still intense. We have a lot of grammar this week. I give a 15 minute presentation on the Future Perfect Simple form. I also teach a new group of students this week. They are at the advanced level so their English is very good. I have to teach them adverb collocations. Fun fun.

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