Wednesday, 16 April 2008


I know I had mentioned a while back that I would write a little snippet about Tibor. He was my Czech student that I was assigned to do one-to-one lessons. The lessons were great. Tibor is 22 years old and currently attending a University here in Prague where he has lived for the last 12 years. He is an only child and was raised by his father. In his free time he plays tennis and likes water sports.

The entire one-to-one teaching was a great experience. It was challenging at times when I could not understand what he was trying to ask me exactly. That is why pronunciation is such a huge part of learning a language. I worked mostly on teaching him how to speak in the past. In the Czech language they only have the present. So he does not understand how to form a sentence that tells about a life experience and so on. Tibor requested that I gave him lessons that were hard. I laughed and said ok. My professor Terry said that for once Tibor had met his match. His other one-to-ones hadn't challenged him enough! Then I came along. Ha ha ha

Tibor is very smart and I made the lessons as fun as I could. We even watched part of a movie! Ha ha ha. Hey, I had permission from my professor to show the movie. He thought it was a great idea for the lesson I had planned.

I plan to keep in touch with Tibor even though I will be leaving the Czech Republic. He has been a great part of my learning experience and definitely challenged me as a teacher!

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